by Steve Ahern
September 22, 2015

Don Flowers
As we celebrate the U.S. Air Force Birthday on September 18th, I think it’s important to remember that many veterans enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corp before the U.S. Air Force became a branch in 1947.
In November 1941, Palmetto High Senior Class President Donald Skene Flowers enlisted in the United States Army. On the 1st of January in 1943, Flowers started Basic Training in Miami, FL. After completing basic training, he entered into the aviation training program in Maryville, TN. From there he went to many different airfields in the states getting his pre-flight and primary flight classifications. He ended up getting his certification to fly both a PT-17 & a BT-13 aircraft. He then went to Spence Field in California for advanced training on the AT-6 aircraft. In February of 1944, Flowers was commissioned a Second Lieutenant. After that, Flowers expanded his education and skill-set through Gunner School and passed on some of his knowledge as a Flight Trainer. Flowers took training and checked out in the P-47 aircraft, which he flew 97 missions during WWII.
While Flowers was serving in the European theater, Palmetto’s Elementary, Junior High and High School students sold War Bonds to underwrite the cost of warplanes. The Palmetto High principal, Mr. Bulward, coordinated with the US Treasury Department informing them the students wanted their airplane to be flown by Lt. Don Flowers a Palmetto High alumnus. The US Treasury official replied that if the students collected $75,000 worth of War Bonds, which was enough to buy a pursuit plane, they would place a plate in the cockpit showing that it had been bought by Palmetto students. The kids from Palmetto surpassed this goal and raised an impressive $110,475. Lt. Flowers did fly their aircraft in many of his 97 missions.
Flowers was stationed throughout the states as well as overseas in England, France & Germany. He was shot down on March 19, 1945. In May of 1945, Second Lieutenant Flowers returned home aboard the USS Joseph H. Hollister and landed in Boston, MA. He then made his way to Fort McPherson in GA where he was mustered out from active duty service. After a 30 day R&R in his hometown of Palmetto, Flowers was reassigned in the US Army Reserve to Miami Beach, FL. Flowers then went to Naples to Fly the P-63 Bell King Cobra aircraft, until his discharge at Drew Field, FL on October 15, 1945. After discharge from Active Duty, Flowers attended Pharmaceutical School at the University of Florida, where he graduated first in his class. Don then returned home to Manatee County where he went to work for Foster Drug for years. Later he bought the business (keeping the name) and became well-known to residents as the local pharmacist in downtown Bradenton. At this time, Flowers also commanded the Palmetto National Guard unit and was instrumental in integrating the Florida National Guard. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel after 55 years total service.
Don Flowers was a local hero and was responsible for training hundreds of young men to defend our county. During his active duty service, Flowers received eighteen Air Medals, a Distinguished Flying Cross, a Purple Heart, and a commendation letter signed by General George S. Patton, Jr. and endorsed by General Omar Bradley. There are many veterans all over the United Stated with similar stories. As Americans it is our responsibility to remember and honor those who have served and sacrificed for our freedom.